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  • FRSLaser


i can play minecraft for 36 hours straight
Humble Squirrel Monkey

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i am facing the left of my tv

i was born in 1563 in antartica and i was raised by penguins and then i found cave men and they taught me to eat penguins so i became a cannabal and ate the cave men then i was sent by the penguins to find new land so in 1584 i arrived at the bahamas then the guy there was weird so i roasted him alive and ate him then in 1756 i was in the North Pole, so I killed polar bears and started the first and second world war in 1916 and in 1941 then i convinced hitler to commit suicide and now in 2020 at the age of 457 i am writing this in hopes of starting the third world war

PS:this is a joke by the way so dont take it seriously

