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  • CannedFunk99

Best Quote

I plan on my last words being, "crunchatize me Cap'in, I'm goin' ghost "

Canned_Breb89(or as on this site CannedFunk99)

FUNK 1,362 / FUNK
Lion-Tailed Macaque

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About me

I refuse to give that kind of information

Sit down and get comfy 'cause there's a long list (relatively): software developer, music player/maker, chef (not professional), owner/creator of FunkyFinder (and its respective website), owner of two cats and two dogs all of which make my life a small bit like hell but I love 'em all anyways

It’s 1:00 AM and I am bored out of my mind with quarantine and decided to do some things here. (I don’t plan on removing this when everything blows over)

