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My superiors told me to use this username. They also make me to wear a hat. And post this.
Cuz it’s funky time
That “MemeMan97” name based on the character is pretty heavy on the psyops. I saw the link. Great for improving the vocabulary. A bit of a worry though if you take the “whomst” meme too seriously or you’ll end up an egomaniac.
I was thinking of changing my image to the Griefer from the South Park, “Make Love not Warcraft” episode of 2006. And while getting a review of Season 20 of 2016 I saw him again in the “Shark Hunt” episode in a group of internet trolls. I’ll post both pics.
cause i like teslas
Because it is my brand name, i picked my brand name because im an IT Specialist and my name is hugo so its hugo for it BUT: Because of english pronounciation it is also you go for it! making it a semi-encouraging name and i thought that would be a good combo
I didn’t pick my username HE PICKED ME and now I am a subservient slave in his harem until the end of all time, my nightmare has just begun
My nickname is Chris, simple.
Because i use this username everywhere else.