(Survey) What is your Operating system?
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HOME › Forums › Technology › (Survey) What is your Operating system?
Hi, I’m conducting a research to find out what OSes are mostly used by FUNKY people. There’s no need for identification of any kind, I just ask you to please answer ONLY once, or else I will have to limit the number of responses on the survey. Thank you in advance! It’s only one question and takes about 30 seconds to fill. The link is below:
Again, thanks in advance! When you fill up your response, you’ll get to see others as well.
We have a forum
nOt g00GlE dOcS
Cool, Thanks for filling it in!
Can I use a calculator?
Totally! It’s best to do it with paper to prevent bots though
UPDATE: The responses keep on coming! And so far, NOBODY uses Windows 8…
Apparently there are also more people that use iOS, but only by 1.
Keep them up! Let’s get a more accurate result!
Done! (and i did’nt select windows 8)
For PCs it’s Windows 10, for smartphones it’s Android
Yup, and for TVs, it’s tvOS
Cool, thanks!
Proud to announce that I answered the second question mentally.
Good job! Here’s a slice of Pizza for your hard work:
P.S.: Thanks for filling it in! It really makes the results better. For anyone else listening, feel free to post your results as well!
BTW: Yes, the result is out: Somebody uses Windows 8
what OS we use, or (try to bear with me for a moment) what OS we as funkyusers WOULD use? i guess for the most part, your results would be fine,
but there may be some external factors your survey is not encompassing – like with me, i use family computer running windows 7… er, 10 just recently due to no more support for 7, but if i were to get my own (as a funky person), i would get something more like linux of course, ya know?