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When is Apple going to come out with the apple “folding phone”?
They announced it forever ago.
Apple hasn’t actually said anything about a folding iPhone, or any high-tech thing that’s all over the rumours. However, Apple does offer a “folding” device, the iPad Pro, except it won’t work when you fold it.
Bringing this conversation back from the dead.
From a person whose only into specs to price ratio’s perspective, yes, iPhones are overpriced aluminum.
The iPhone is not a product for the spec heavy users.
It’s for the feel. For the experience. The ones who know their phone will get the latest OS and security updates for 6+ years. The ones who know their phone will always take an average picture, nothing less than that. The ones wanting a premium looking phone that has an easy to navigate UI. The ones who want a consistently working phone that gets the job done almost every time.
In the average person’s view, iPhones are worth it.
Thank you for listening to my Apple Fanboy rant.
Yeah thats a good reason.
Thank you. People need to realize Apple is doin this on purpose because the majority of people buying them aren’t super “techy” and just want a nice phone.
Also, congrats on passing Sobotka in funk
If Apple is making them for the common consumer then why do they put so much extra tech in it and jack up the price?
My iPhone 7 is an expensive hot pocket.
@Australia to me I think they do that mostly because of the material they use for the products and the fact that they will look more like a high tier brand if they jack up the price. Average people are willing to pay that amount so they have no reason to make it cheaper unfortunately