Reply To: The Sam Creature
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Brlump’s Products
Zigzagers – Shoes with height adjustments, coolers and heaters built inside, can even massage your feet and it’s the first shoes to have Bluetooth and to be controlled by a app on your phone.
Baggers – Shorts with big pockets and has locks inside of the shorts that can only be unlocked with your phone.
SS Shirt – SS stands for Super Smart. The SS Shirt has tiny speakers at the top of the shirt that can blast music and has a headphone jack (also it has millions of teeny tiny vibrators inside of the shirt that can be controlled by the the ‘Brlump App’
Upcoming Products
Brlump Phone (Code name: XVoid)
Brlump Fridge (Code name: Bixber)
Brlump Home Assistant (Home Guard)
That’s all folks!