icon05:55 VIDEOS Just Create Your Own Platform – PARLER PARODY January 18, 2021 January 19, 2021 If you don’t like censorship, just build you own platform, on your own platform’s, platform’s platform. Aslo find SAMTIME On… WEBSIT... 019.6K2.2K
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icon05:13 VIDEOS Apple Apologises for Lowering Fees November 30, 2020 December 1, 2020 Apple has just lowered the fees for developers to sell apps in the App Store, and they’ve never felt more sorry. EXCLUSIVE VID iPhon... 034K2.7K
icon00:09 VIDEOS SHOCKING! Tim Cook Caught on Hot Mic During Apple Event November 28, 2020 November 29, 2020 Tim Cook’s true thoughts were revealed in shocking hot mic audio, caught during the last Apple event. Tim Cook Driving to the... 119.5K1.1K
icon03:56 VIDEOS Apple Apologises for Spying On You November 27, 2020 November 28, 2020 They know when you are sleeping, they know when you’re awake, they know which apps you open, so good for Apple’s sake!! FUNKY TIME W... 043.3K3.4K
icon03:04 VIDEOS Apple Apologises for Making iPhone 12 Unrepairable November 25, 2020 November 26, 2020 The more you try to fix your iPhone 12, the more broken it will get, as Apple officially ends users’ Right To Repair. FUNKY TIME WEB... 0101.8K6.2K
icon03:08 VIDEOS The Apple Silicon Terminator MOVIE – “I’ll be Mac” November 13, 2020 November 14, 2020 Apple has just announced their M1 Chip for the MacBook, the Mac Mini and… for the Mac Terminator! FUNKY TIME WEBSITE: https://funkyt... 035.9K3.7K