Submit Your World Record Attempts!
To celebrate SAMTIME’S sub-par athletic skills, we are now officially accepting video submissions from all FUNKY MONKEYS, for their “World Record” attempts!
If you’re the best finger-clicker, bottle-flipper or disco-dancer (or whatever your super-skill happens to be), send in a short (60 second max) clip of you attempting your skill by following the steps below!
How To Submit a Video
1. Create a free account at FUNKY TIME https://funkytime.tv/register/
2. Upload your video (less than 60s) to YouTube/Vimeo
3. Submit your video to FUNKY TIME https://funkytime.tv/submit-your-video/
4. Wait up to a day or two for your video to appear!
By submitting a video to FUNKY TIME, you acknowledge that you own all the rights to the video, and you agree for it to feature on the website and on the SAMTIME YouTube channel.
You can watch, like and comment on other FUNKY MONKEYS’ submissions on the Community Videos page. Your video might show up in a SAMTIME YouTube video! Good luck