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  • UnNotchslayer1

Best Quote

If you want to actually matter in this world, you have to change something big for the better- don't just work at a McDonald’s- do something great, that you love to do. Invent things not because you are greedy, but because you want to improve this world- I cannot tell you how many companies are 99% greed. Be the change in the world

Me(UnNotchslayer1 Games)

Humble Squirrel Monkey

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About me

I like to play Minecraft, Roblox, and Robocraft(My laptop isn’t working right now so don’t ask me 2 play any pc games).

I use scratch, my username is Dan_CODER

I have a YouTube channel, currently at the time of writing at 57 subs.

Btw I’m gonna try to just use this as my only social media platform outside YouTube hopefully it works

Also u should invite your friends to this if it becomes big enough this can compete w/ instagram and twitter and stuff that would be pretty awesome

K bye.

