Reply To: Leaving the forums for a while, too toxic for my liking ATM
HOME › Forums › The FUNKYTIME Website › General Website Talk › Leaving the forums for a while, too toxic for my liking ATM › Reply To: Leaving the forums for a while, too toxic for my liking ATM
April 23, 2020 at 1:38 am
@Tjeff148 and Co., you have been heard, but now it’s time to let go.
If you really like these forums for reasons OTHER THAN climbing the leaderboard (reasons such as enjoying Sam’s videos and interacting with fellow SAMTIME fans, JUST SAYIN’), you should try to make interesting posts that are not related to the leaderboard. If you can’t do that, it’s obvious you were in it just for the points, so you contributed to the problem.
@RichardAnderson, I hope you’ll come back.