icon09:58 VIDEOS ALMIGHTY OTON CREATES IT’S OWN GAMES POPE SAMTIME December 5, 2012 August 18, 2019 Game console OTON has the power to create it’s own games!!! No more game-developers, game-stores or imagination, just OTON. Hm... 06.4K123
icon01:37 VIDEOS REVOLUTIONARY CORDED TELEPHONE!!! [Special] POPE SAMTIME December 2, 2012 August 18, 2019 A review of the all-amazing, telephonic, innovation, the corded telephone. This video is a submission for the GIZMODO AUSTRALIA CES... 05.7K85
icon05:37 VIDEOS WII U CONTROLLER GETS 3D COMPATIBLE!!!!! POPE SAMTIME November 26, 2012 August 18, 2019 The Wii U gamepad has been capable of 3D all of this time, just, not as you know. Also in the HEADLINES… WII U GOES 3D http://... 05.1K70
icon01:18 VIDEOS WHAT THE F*** GEORGE LUCAS!!! – [Special] POPE SAMTIME November 24, 2012 August 18, 2019 You sold STAR WARS to DISNEY?!.. WTF?!!! A SAMTIME NEWS SPECIAL —————————̵... 03.5K74
icon06:03 VIDEOS GTA V GETS FUNKY WITH NEW TRAILER!!! POPE SAMTIME November 19, 2012 August 18, 2019 GRAND THEFT AUTO gets funky in its all new trailer! Also in the headlines… GTA V TRAILER http://youtu.be/Vzue74y7A84 WII U HIL... 02.6K57
icon06:23 VIDEOS TOY STORY STAR WARS & MICROSOFT SPIES!!!!!! POPE SAMTIME November 12, 2012 August 18, 2019 Star Wars episode 7 may just be written be the writer of Toy Story 3. We all know what this means, a jedi protagonist, Buzz Lightyea... 02.3K30
icon05:55 VIDEOS LUCAS SELLS STAR WARS!!! FOR GOOD OR EVIL? POPE SAMTIME November 5, 2012 August 18, 2019 George Lucas has sold his Star Wars making company to Disney. Is it for good? Or has he turned to the dark side? JOIN THE FUNKY ARMY... 02.7K58
icon06:27 VIDEOS PATIENT 0 – REAL LIFE ZOMBIE GAME!!! [Halloween Special] POPE SAMTIME October 30, 2012 August 18, 2019 Video games (and zombies) come alive with Patient 0!!! The game is a world-first Real Life First Person Shooter Horror Role Playing... 03.1K25
icon05:53 VIDEOS OBSIDIAN KICKSTART ETERNITY AND TITTIES!!! POPE SAMTIME October 22, 2012 August 18, 2019 Obsidian Entertainment want you to cough up the dough for their next game-development venture. A big company crowd-sourcing? Me no l... 02.1K18
icon05:02 VIDEOS NEW PS3 THERMO-CONTROLLER!!! SO HOT!! POPE SAMTIME October 15, 2012 August 18, 2019 Sony are planning a controller that heats up in the thick of battle!!! TUNE IN AND GET FUNKY!!!! NEW GAMEPLAY CHANNEL http://www.you... 01.9K21