Reply To: My Windows 10 PC looks like Windows 7
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@TheIndianPianist For Windows XP no need to change any registers . I tried changing them with the log on and off sound but it seems that it doesn’t work, at least in my PC. I tried turning off Fast Startup but that didn’t work either.
For the makeover, I just installed Classic Shell. After I set it up, I downloaded the start button which suites Windows XP(You can get them easily from the internet). Then, download the bg file(this file can give the taskbar a texture similar to XP). I also downloaded all the sounds and the wallpaper from different website. I turned off the search box as well.
When I set up Classic Shell, I did not download the classic explorer and IE( come on, who uses IE now a days?). Then, I right clicked the start button, and clicked Settings. And I clicked show all settings. I only changed the settings as I have given in the image below. Then, in taskbar texture, I added the bg file and change the start button and menu. I also removed the search option( it is optional, but the search here is cluttered and Windows search is far better in that regard). Then I applied the sounds of XP using control panel> sounds> change system sounds. Also, go to Taskbar settings and change ‘combine icons’ to ‘never’.
And don’t forget to change the wallpaper to the one you downloaded and the colour scheme accordingly! Just change the settings in the tabs I have underlined in the png. There is a lot of settings for you to mess around with, but make sure you don’t break anything! 😛
Oh yeah, and if you wanna customise what things you need in your start menu, then click on ‘customise start menu’. After this, congratulations! You have made your Windows 10 PC look like Windows XP! After I did it, my computer looked and sounded like a masterpiece!! Try it for yourself!
Hope this helped you. Have a good day!!