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Here’s video games that I recommend that you should give a try
Number one Dragon Ball z Budokai 1 for the PlayStation 2 it’s the story from the Saiyan saga frieza saga and then the Android saga
My favorite mode in that game is Hercule story mode
It has a little bit of characters but it’s super fun
if that’s not your thing there’s a board game PlayStation 2 game called Dragon Ball Budokai 2
This is weird board game aspect to the fighting game
Budokai 3 and Dragon Ball z infinite world would be the better better choices
That being said for me the mini games are a little bit hard on infinite world
But that’s more of a me problem I’m not really good at doing mini games or little touch screen mini games with the x’s and the O’s and stuff
If you’re looking for horror resident evil 2 I recommend
The original PlayStation 1
You could play the resident evil 2 reboot
You could play resident evil code Veronica
If you’re looking for a Dragon Ball z game with a lot of roster and missing cutscenes you can get Dragon Ball z Budokai Tenkaichi3
Another fighting game I recommend is soul Calibur 3
But be forewarned that sometimes the safe State glitches on that game
The horror is more your deal
you’re a person who likes horror may I recommend the obscure series on the PS2
Or silent Hill 2 and 3 they have a remake but they change the voice actors on the on the re-releases on the PS3
if you’re looking for a game that is mature and has interesting jokes Conker’s Bad Fur day on the N64 is the game for you the Xbox game of conker live & reloaded is good too but it’s censored but it doesn’t hurt the game at all it’s just that it’s a little shortened
some other game I recommend is The evil within series but that’s only if you could stomach horror that being said there
It has a variety of difficulty modes evil within 2 does even one mode where you only have 7 stays in 7 States 7 safe States
If you’re looking for for something along South Park
if you’re looking for a shooter resistance is the game for you maybe they have the resistance 1 2 and 3
if you’re looking for a platformer with a little bit of hardness in it that may I suggest SpongeBob the movie game I’m really stuck on that game but it’s pretty fun
if you’re looking for a game just to chill and relax Ninja turtles for the PS2 is actually pretty fun
Looking for a game with Gothic kind of style home like Alice in Wonderland madness returns as a good game pretty horrifyin
Also there’s call of duty mobile
Call of duty Black ops
If platformers are your thing there is donkey Kong tropical freeze
Mario Brothers u
Mario Brothers Odyssey
if you’re looking for a fighting game with characters from Nintendo then they’re Super smash Brothers ultimate it has DLC 2 it’s pretty cool I’m going to buy that game pretty soon